Exciting News

Our scholars are kicking off the new year by hosting a FREE College + Scholarship Workshop for high school students.


January 13 6pm ET. Scan the QR code below or you can also find the registration link on our Facebook and Instagram @dollarsforscholars.





2025 Scholarships will open in March of 2025. 

獎學金將於 2025 年 3 月開放。


For scholarship information獎學金詳情 or to apply for other scholarships 申請其他獎學金


2025 College prep program details will be announced in Spring of 2025 (see program information below).


Follow us on social media for the latest information 



Instagram @dollarsforscholars




What an exciting evening celebrating our scholars and DFS family July 19th as we congratulated 2024 graduates and new scholars and their families. Our featured alumni speakers from the fields of education, software engineering, biotech and law/policy brought home the message of excellence and engagement demonstrating our scholars' dedication to pursuing their dreams for innovation and progress and helping lift up other students. Thank you to our speakers - 

Tiffany Tzeng, DFS 2011, leader of the DFS college prep program for low income high school students 

Jendy Ren, 2024 graduate Stonybrook University, DFS program coordinator

Athena Yao, 2024 graduate Duke University

Sabrina Guo, DFS 2023, Yale University


Congratulations to all our 2024 graduates! To see more about them, visit our Instagram @dollarsforscholars or Facebook page. 


Our class of 2024

Wonton Food Achievement Scholarships

Andrew Li, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Daphne Lin, New York University, Stern School of Business

Joanna Lin, Harvard University

Leon Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

YingJun Tan, Harvard University

Joey He, Harvard University

Yanfen Lin, California Institute of Technology

YuYing Zou, Harvard University

Need Based Scholarships

Dylan Chen, Northeastern University

Erica Chan, SUNY Buffalo

Shi Ting (Christine) Zheng, SUNY Stonybrook - New York Life Scholar

Xin Qing (Sunny) Lu, Boston University - New York Life Scholar

Merit Scholars

Amanda Lee, University of Michigan

Tony Zhou, Georgia Institute of Technology

Yuhan (Candy) Zhou, Georgetown University

New Immigrant Scholarships

Sharon Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Yaci He, CUNY Hunter College






In 2024, we launched our FREE VIRTUAL college workshop series for rising high school seniors with monthly workshops, working sessions and open office hours as the application season progresses June - December. The curriculum is led and developed by a DFS alumna who worked in admissions at the UCs, Cornell, and NYU, was a long-serving interviewer for Penn, and has a BS from Wharton and MSEd from Penn GSE. Program mentors from Columbia, MIT, Stanford, Yale and more. Application open to low income students. Applications will be reviewed and selected on a rolling basis. Admitted students will be notified in late May to early June. 


2024我們為即將升上12年級的高年生推出免費的虛擬大學申請計畫,隨著6月至12月申請季的進行每月舉辦研討會、工作坊和開放問答時間。 該計劃讓學生可以自信地完成大學招生流程並為大學做好準備。 完成課程後,學生將獲得有關招生策略、論文寫作、建立大學名單、面試準備等方面的實用技能和知識。  將有機會發展和練習新技能,並獲得有關每個主題的個人指導。該課程由教育基金會校友領導和開發,她曾在加州大學、康奈爾大學和紐約大學的招生部門工作過,曾是賓州大學的長期面試官,擁有沃頓商學院的學士學位和賓州大學GSE的教育碩士學位。團隊成員包括哥倫比亞大學、麻省理工學院、史丹佛大學、耶魯大學等名校的導師。低收入家庭的學生可以申請。請儘早申請以免名額滿了。錄取學生將於五月下旬至六月初收到通知。 




Thanks to everyone that attended our 18th annual awards dinner on July 7th. NYC Councilmember Sandra Ung, a Columbia Law School graduate, encouraged students to return to serve their communities. Honoree Susan Au Allen's early volunteerism for disabled people led to invitations at the White House and United Nations, but it was grit and resilience that opened doors to opportunities for Pan Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.


Announcing our DFS class of 2023:


Merit Scholars

Kaitlyn Cheng    鄭琪琪    Brown University

Sabrina Guo    郭美希    Yale University

Elvin Lo    羅亮惟   Harvard University

Emelie Nguyen    阮敏兒    Brown University

Maxx Yung    翁嘉偉    University of Pennsylvania


New York Life Scholarship

Selina Lin    林淑婷     New York University

Julia Xia    夏詩雅   Brown University


New Immigrant Scholarship

Sherise Chen   陳映荷   CUNY Baruch College

Yewei Liu    劉曄瑋    (Salina Mai memorial scholarship)    Pratt Institute

Zhuoyan Qiu    邱卓妍    SUNY Stony Brook University


Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship

Alvin Chen    陳維浩    MIT   

Justin Chen    陳德俊    UC San Diego  

Allen Ho    何嘉輝  MIT  

Steven Huang    黃維祥   Columbia University

Ivan Liu    柳逸凡    Georgia Tech  

Yingyin Tan    譚穎菌     CalTech 

Maggie Zhang    張雯琪    University of Pennsylvania

Yunfei Zheng    鄭雲飛   Dartmouth College




The sustainability videos are up on YouTube. 




At our 17th annual awards ceremony on July 14th, we celebrated our 2022 scholars and this year's college graduates. We were also excited to share:



welcome messages from

Boston mayor Michelle Wu and

NYC Councilmember Sandra Ung


words of inspiration from

Healthcare Innovator Honoree

Dr Anthony Shih, president of United Hospital Fund




a rousing performance of Every Summertime by Niki

from 2022 graduate Skylar Lai.



Introducing our DFS 2022 class.

Merit Awards

Anthony Chen - Georgetown University business/accounting

Lawrence Chen- Stanford University comparative literature
Ethan Chiu - Yale University politics and molecular biology 
Laura Fan - Johns Hopkins University applied math 
Sean Liu - Yale University chemistry 
Catherine Wang - University of Toronto clinical psychology
Grace Zhou - Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscience/technology
New York Life Scholarship 
Christina Wu - Princeton University science/technology/math
Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship 
Xin Lan Lu - Yale University social science
Wonton Food Achievement Award
Stephanie Chen -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer science 
JoAnna James- University of Pennsylvania  neuroscience
Anna Ni - University of Pennsylvania nursing
Brian Shi -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology physics
Vivien Wang - New York University, Stern school of business, business and political economics 
Toby Zhao - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology - Terre Haute, mechanical engineering 
Milly Zheng, Georgia Institute of Technology computational media
Celebrating this year's graduating scholars

Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship

Skylar Lai, SUNY Binghamton

Brian Liu, Yale University 

Shirley Shi, Yale University 

Michael Zhu, Harvard University 

Jackie Zhang, Yale University (DFS 2017)


Merit Scholars

Erica Wu, Harvard University -Salina Mai Memorial scholarship

Amy Chen, Cornell University - New York Life Scholar

Mengqi Li, New York University - New York Life Scholar

Merrick Eng, University of Pennsylvania

Kaitlyn Liu, SUNY Binghamton

Andrew Sheng, Carnegie Mellon


Dollars for Scholars Scholarship

Cynthia Cheng, New York University

Selena Tan, Columbia University


We would like to thank World Journal and all the supporting artists for the charity art exhibit in July 2022 benefitting Chinese Dollars for Scholars.



To inquire about available works, please call 718-746-8889 #6361 or email event@worldjournal.com


世界日報舉辦「 以墨結緣 讓愛圓夢」慈善義賣展。所有義賣所得,將全數捐贈給「大紐約區華人教育基金會」做為華裔學生的大學求學獎學金。歡迎各界慷慨解囊,藝起幫助莘莘學子。


Thank you to all who attending our latest event on Financial Planning for College Students and Young Professionals


To join our mailing list for future events, email webmaster@chinesescholarship.com with subject Subscribe. Please include your name and whether you are a student or professional.



Students and young professionals pursuing all fields can benefit from the insights shared in our 60 minute discussion. Video now on YouTube.




Paying For College - Resources For Understanding the Cost of College and Navigating Financial Aid


College Costs and How to Lower Them

What a Sample Financial Aid Award Letter Look Like

Understanding Financial Aid Letters and "Unmet Need"

Avoid Financial Aid Displacement  - Did you know that sometimes schools will reduce financial aid for outside scholarships received? Our scholarships are only awarded where schools commit to reducing a student's unmet need, loans or work study instead of reducing student financial aid so the student benefits from the dollars rather than offsetting financial aid. 

3 ways to avoid taking on too much student loan debt

Attend CUNY or SUNY school tuition free

Useful short video tutorials - ex. What is the College Financing Plan? - breakdown of financial aid letter components to compare college financial aid offers


We are proud to announce our 2021 award recipients. 

Wonton Food Achievement Award Recipients

Ronald Cheng, Yale University

Karen Choi, Harvard University

Morgan Hoong, University of California Berkeley

Cynthia Lin, Yale University

John Lin, Harvard University 

Kenny Chuwing, Columbia University

Stanley Yang, Stanford University


New York Life Scholarship

Michael Hu, Harvard University

Jeremy Li, Carnegie Mellon University 


Merit Scholars

Georgia Chen, Georgetown University

Rieko Luo, Cornell University

Nikki Ng, Yale University - Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship

Daniel Wang, Harvard University

Angelina Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Athena Zheng, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business


New Immigrant Scholar

Ying Hong Gao, Bentley University



Congratulations 2021 graduates! 

We are excited to be celebrating our graduating class and our very first class of Wonton Food Achievement Scholars this year both on Zoom and in person. We couldn't be more proud of them for their resilience and perseverance through 2020-2021. 

Wonton Food Achievement Scholars
Emily Cheng, Princeton University
Ivy Leung, New York University
Dong Yun Wu, CUNY Hunter College
Mei Lin Zheng,Dartmouth College
Jonathan Wong, University of Michigan (DFS 2018)
New York Life Scholars
Muwen Huang, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Stephanie Tan, University of Pennsylvania

Merit Scholars

Sheryl Chen, University of Pennsylvania - Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Kao, University of Michigan
Forrest Fan, Dartmouth College
Elizabeth Raynor, Bucknell University
Michelle Wong, SUNY Stonybrook University
Katherine Yang, Dartmouth College



We had the pleasure of starting the new year with a career development event for our scholars on January 2, 2021, featuring speakers



Margaret Ling, Esq. on Leveraging the Mentoring Relationship and


Shane Sugino on Identifying Career Paths and the Importance of Networking

Both speakers shared invaluable tips for both careers and life. We welcome professionals from all fields to share their expertise as speakers and mentors to help develop tomorrow's leaders. Email chinesescholarship@gmail.com or follow us on LinkedIn.





Congratulations to our 2020 award recipients and their families! Transitioning to a virtual format due to the pandemic, we welcomed our new scholars with a surprise message of encouragement from former presidential candidate Andrew Yang.





Wonton Food Achievement Scholars
Sherry Chen, Yale University
Tracy Jiang, Harvard University
Gigi Ni, Harvard University
Jendy Ren, SUNY Stonybrook
Jennifer Wang, Columbia University
Karen Wang, Yale University

Need Based Scholars
Yaru Luo, Pomona College - New York Life Scholar
Kelly (Yiting) Su, Cornell University - New York Life Scholar
Acewin Tam, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Merit Scholars
Jackie Dong, Yale University
Raymond Lin, Harvard University
Athena Yao, Duke University

New Immigrant Scholar
Cheuk Wing (Vanna) Lee, SUNY Stonybrook - Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship

See scholar profile/videos and more on our Facebook page



In June, we celebrated our 2020 graduates with a community zoom gathering. Congratulations to all the class of 2020!



Merit Scholars

Yifan He, Dartmouth University, bachelor of arts in economics and quantitative social science - Salina Mai Scholarship 

Andrew Huang, University of Pennsylvania, bachelor of applied science in computer science with minors in statistics, data science and mathematics and masters of science in engineering in computer and information science-New York Life Scholarship

Christopher Liu, Emory University '19, applied math and computer science

Huishen Jason Lu, Yale University, philosophy

Serena Lu, Princeton University, psychology 
and minors in cognitive science and dance

Mabel Luo, New York University, nursing- recipient of our very first need-based scholarship

Grace Shen, Duke University, cellular and molecular biology and minor in chemistry

New Immigrant Scholars

Shiying Liang-SUNY Albany, economics and linguistics

Lan Hua Weng-City College, architecture



Our scholars were on Facebook Live Saturday, May 23 to provide tips regarding applying for our scholarship, scholarships, interviews and college. See the video on Facebook and follow us @greaternychinesedollarsforscholars.




To get updates on our upcoming career development events open to all students, follow us on LinkedIn.





For scholarship details/獎學金細節.

Create or work on your profile and match to other scholarships from our portal.


Follow us on




for updates and scholarship and other information.


Congratulations to our class of 2019! This year's featured speakers Scholar Amy Kao on her journey as a tech entrepreneur and writer and producer Teresa Hsiao, from choosing a "stable" path as an economics major at Harvard University to writing comedy. Teresa is currently in production on the Comedy Central series Awkwafina, starring and inspired by the Queens upbringing of Awkwafina.

Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship

Nick Cheung, Iowa State University

Hui Ping Deng, Barnard College

Jennifer Liu, Lehigh University

Kristie Qiu, Yale University

Hao Dong Tian, Vassar College



Merit Scholars

Alan Chang, University of Pennsylvania

Jocelyn Chin, University of Pennsylvania - New York Life Scholarship

Vanessa Hu, Harvard University - Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship

Kyle Lui, UC Berkeley-New York Life Scholarship

Benjamine Mo, Columbia University

Min Zhi Wang, Columbia University



Need-based Scholarship

Kexin Zheng, Fordham University

Jia Lin Zhuo, Stanford University




It was a packed audience again at our annual education expo co-hosted with World Journal and McDonald's. Scholars Hui Ping Deng, Barnard College and Benjamine Mo, Columbia University shared personal insights on a successful college application process. To read more about this and past expos, see the panel discussion and get application tips, click here.



GREATER NY CHINESE DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS is proud to announce our 2018 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS. See photos from our awards dinner on June 29th on Facebook @greaternychinesedollarsforscholars and Instagram @dollarsforscholars. This year's dinner featured a presentation by 2012 scholarship recipient Huiying Bernice Chan and a panel on civic engagement.

Wonton Food Achievement Scholarship

Winnie Huang,Stanford University

Skylar Lai, SUNY Binghamton

Brian Liu, Yale University 

Shirley Shi, Yale University 

Jonathan Wong, University of Michigan

Michael Zhu, Harvard University 



Merit Scholars

Erica Wu, Harvard University -Salina Mai Memorial scholarship

Amy Chen, Cornell University - New York Life Scholar

Mengqi Li, New York University - New York Life Scholar

Merrick Eng, University of Pennsylvania

Kaitlyn Liu, SUNY Binghamton

Andrew Sheng, Carnegie Mellon



Need-based Scholarship

Cynthia Cheng, New York University

Selena Tan, Columbia University





See the "Freedom Swimmers" documentary by our scholar Gavin Huang AND SHARE THE NEWS WITH FRIENDS. @greaternychinesedollarsforscholars on Facebook



Congratulations to our 2017 scholarship recipients! At our awards dinner on June 9th, guest speaker Dr David Ho shared insights on leadership with award recipients and guests. Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars presented Dr Ho with our Visionary Leadership Award for his contributions to humanity and the field of medicine through his AIDS research. Dr David Ho was awarded the Presidential Citizens medal by President Bill Clinton. When Time selected him Man of the Year, the magazine acknowledged that "Ho is not, to be sure, a household name. But some people make headlines while others make history."

Wonton Foods Scholars
Emily Cheng, Princeton University
Ivy Leung, New York University
Dong Yun Wu, CUNY Hunter College
Jackie Zhang, Yale University
Mei Lin Zheng,Dartmouth College
New York Life Scholars
Muwen Huang, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Stephanie Tan, University of Pennsylvania


Merit Scholars
Sheryl Chen, University of Pennsylvania - Salina Mai Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Kao, University of Michigan
Forrest Fan, Dartmouth College
Elizabeth Raynor, Bucknell University
Michelle Wong, SUNY Stonybrook University
Katherine Yang, Dartmouth College


NEW Wonton Foods Achievement Scholarship

High school seniors of Chinese descent whose parents or legal guardians currently work in the Asian restaurant business in the United States are eligible to apply.

Five scholarships will be awarded for a total of 20,000 per scholarship (4 year scholarships for 5,000 per year).


Thank you to all the artists and supporters of the Womens' Calligraphy Exhibition in New York

It's our pleasure to invite you to a calligraphy exhibition. Over 50 works donated by the Taiwan Women's Calligraphy Association will be auctioned benefitting scholarships for college students in need through the Scholarship America Dream Award-World Journal Award. The exhibition will be 10am-5pm from 4/7-4/14 at World Journal's 3rd fl art gallery 141-07 20th Ave, Whitestone, NY 11357.  Look forward to again being a bridge connecting artists and art lovers and philanthropists and scholars!




Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars 2016 scholarships were awarded on June 24th. This year our guest speaker at the awards dinner was renowned forensic scientist Dr Henry C. Lee, who encouraged students to dream and work hard to realize their dreams.



Merit Scholars

Mabel Luo, New York University-Need Based Scholarship

Andrew Huang, University of Pennsylvania -New York Life Scholarship

Yifan He, Dartmouth University - Salina Mai Scholarship 

Christopher Liu, Emory University

Huishen Jason Lu, Yale University

Serena Lu, Princeton University

Grace Shen, Duke University


New Immigrant Scholars

Lan Hua Weng-City College

Shiying Liang-SUNY Albany


A Message from 2009 Chinese Dollars for Scholars recipient Jordan Tung (Harvard University '13)


Learn how to get into a great college from college admissions experts.


Do you have a sophomore or junior child in high school? Are you stressed and overwhelmed by the impending college application process?

We are a team of college admissions experts who've helped hundreds of students get into their dream colleges. 


Despite our best efforts to keep the cost of our services affordable, we understand that the price levels may still be out of reach for some families.

We firmly believe in the benefits of college admissions consulting in today's cut throat admission process and we want to help if money is an issue. 


As such, if your total household income level is below $27,000, please send an email to us (info@empiricedge.com-

we will pick one family every two months and provide them one hour of personal consulting pro bono.


Jordan spoke at our annual Education Expo in 2016. 







Applications will be reviewed and selected on a rolling basis.