Dollars for Scholars®

Scholarship America is a nonprofit with a mission to mobilize America through scholarships and other educational support to make postsecondary success possible for all.  As the nation's largest private educational support organization, Scholarship America has distributed more than $5.4 billion in scholarship assistance to more than 3 million students. Scholarship America's programs, which include Dollars for Scholars®, help fund both entry-level and multi-year scholarships, as well as emergency financial grants. More information is available at

Dollars for Scholars®, a program of Scholarship America®, is a national network of chapters driven by local volunteers that help hometown students in communities across the country. In addition to raising funds and distributing scholarships for students, chapters also provide assistance with college readiness and the financial aid process.


Scholarship America® 調動資源幫助學生進入大學,並幫助他們完成大學課程。五十多年來,Scholarship America 已經分發了超過五十四億元給超過三百萬名 學生。Scholarship America下的不同計劃〔包括Dollars for Scholars®〕提供初入學以及多年制的獎學金,亦提供緊急援助計劃,詳情可前往網站scholarshipamerica.org查詢。

Dollars for Scholars® 是一個全國性的 Scholarship America 網絡,來自各地方志願者組成的社區獎學金基金會分布全美國, 幫助來自不同社區的學生。除了籌款和分發獎學金給學生外,各基金會亦給學生們提供大學入學前準備、助學金申請等資訊。


Greater New York Chinese Dollars for Scholars



Greater New York Chinese Dollars for Scholars is the only chapter established to benefit students of Chinese descent. Established in October of 2004, the goal of the Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars is to mobilize community-based fundraising for scholarships awarded to outstanding students. The chapter also offers a variety of academic support programs connecting students with resources in the community -- including admissions and financial aid information, mentoring and professional networking opportunities as well as career development and life skills workshops. We continue to engage with our scholars during and after college, and the scholarship fosters a culture of giving back encouraging and supporting scholars not only to achieve their own success but also to give back to the community. 

All board members of the Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars participate on a volunteer basis and oversee the scholarship awards to ensure that funds are directed to qualified applicants in the local community. The Greater NY Chinese  Dollars for Scholars is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. All proceeds will be used towards scholarships for qualified students to help them achieve their full potential.


大紐約區華人教育基金會於2004年10月成立,是全國唯一專為華裔學生而設的Dollars for Scholars® 基金會,其主要宗旨就是動員社區為優秀學生籌募獎學金經費。基金會亦提供不同的服務資源,包括入學、助學金資料,輔導和專業網絡以及職業發展等。我們在大學期間和大學之後繼續與我們的獎學金得主保持聯繫,培養一種文化鼓勵和支持獎學金得主,不僅要實現自己的夢想,還要回饋社會。

大紐約區華人教育基金會所有理事都是志願性質。大紐約區華人教育基金會是一個 501c3機構,所有捐款都能按法例扣稅。我們所籌到的款項將全數用作獎學金用途分配給社區內的合格學生。